Rice Idli by Gowri Chebbi
Experience the fluffy and savory delight of Rice Idli, a staple South Indian breakfast, with this easy-to-follow recipe. This versatile batter also doubles up for making crispy dosas!
- 3 cups idli rice
- 1 cup urad dal
- 1 cup thick avalakki (poha)
- 1 tsp fenugreek seeds
- Salt to taste
1. Begin by soaking the urad dal, idli rice, and poha in separate bowls for about 5 hours.
2. Once soaked, grind the urad dal and fenugreek seeds together until you achieve a smooth consistency.
3. Grind the rice and poha coarsely to form a thick batter.
4. Combine both the urad dal and rice-poha batters in a large bowl, adding salt to taste. Mix well.
5. Allow the combined batter to ferment overnight.
6. The next day, use this batter to prepare soft idlis. Serve hot alongside chutney and sambar for a complete meal.
Note: The remaining batter can be used to make crispy dosas the following day. Enjoy the versatility of this 2-in-1 batter!